PCOS, Fertility & Women's Health


Women's Health

Sometimes women face particularly challenging health issues where the nutrition messages can be confusing, overwhelming, and inconsistent.  At Mindful Eats Nutrition Counseling, we take our mindfulness approach and apply it to the specific health concerns women face.  


Often, people experiencing polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) are placed on very restrictive diets and told this is essential for weight maintenance and health.  This creates a lot of fear and, quite frankly, is miserable.  Our approach centers on incorporating intuitive eating principles while developing a healthy relationship with food and body. If you have just been diagnosed with PCOS or have had PCOS for a while and are still feeling frustrated and confused, we would love to walk with you.

One of our dietitians, Abbie Womack, hosts a weekly virtual support group for those experiencing PCOS. If you’re interested in this group and/or individualized support for PCOS, fill out the form here to get more information.

Fertility and Pregnancy

If you are struggling with fertility issues, sometimes nutrition can play a role.  There is a lot of conflicting information out there.  If you are interested in having someone help you wade through the science and know what is real and isn’t, we’d love to help you do that.

Similarly, if you are pregnant and overwhelmed with the amount of information out there about nutrition while pregnant, and wanting to know what’s real and what isn’t, we are here for you!  We are happy to provide a one-time consultation to give you the information you need, or, especially if you have special health concerns while pregnant, we would love to follow you throughout your pregnancy and help you tailor your nutrition to your specific needs.