Eating Disorders and Disordered Eating


Eating disorders are serious but treatable mental illnesses that affect people of every age, sex, gender, ethnicity, and socioeconomic group.  The cause of eating disorders is complex, with genetic, psychological, and environmental factors all playing a role in someone developing an eating disorders.  People typically think of an eating disorder as an issue that emerges only in adolescence, but eating disorders can occur at any age.  

At Mindful Eats Nutrition Counseling, we believe that those struggling with eating disorders and disordered eating can achieve FULL recovery no matter the complexity or severity of your struggles. 

We are part of a unique group of professionals in Houston who have been specially trained to work with eating disorders and disordered eating.  We love using a team approach.  If you are looking for a treatment team, we would love to help you find people to perfectly fit your needs. 

You can start by looking for professionals who are a part of Houston Eating Disorder Specialists, a group of professionals who have been vetted as having specialized training for the treatment of eating disorders and disordered eating, here.

If you or a loved one are struggling and wondering if you have an eating disorder, we would love to help you.  If you aren’t ready to commit to scheduling an appointment, we’d love to chat over a free 10 minute phone consultation to help you determine if we would be the right fit. You can fill out the form here to schedule this consultation.  You can also visit the National Eating Disorders Association to learn more about eating disorders, and feel free to take advantage of their free eating disorders screening tool.